What we do

We offer different kinds of support to empower people to make positive changes to eat well, keep active, manage stress, low mood, and anxiety. 

Our Approach

All our services are tailored to suit the needs of local communities and workplaces. We are flexible in our approach and create individual packages of support for service users based on what they need at a particular time. All our staff are trained to deliver person-centred interventions in a non-judgmental way offering motivational and brief interventions that support health improvements. We also support service users to access more specialist support services such as smoking cessation and weight management.

Our services are delivered in a range of community settings and include one to one support, groups, counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. All sessions are supported by peer supporters who have lived experience and can offer additional support to service users.

Our Impact

387health and social care professionals had Connect 5 training in 2022-23

99%of professionals reported improved skills and confidence to discuss mental health with Connect 5 training in 2022-23

2000++Professionals with increased awareness of the barriers faced by Deaf in Lancashire 2022-23

Additional Provision

Making a Complaint