Girl in front of a laptop

The COVID-19 outbreak has been a difficult time for many people in lots of different ways. Losing loved ones, losing work, and getting sick are just some of the devastating impacts that the pandemic has had.

So many of us have started working from home this year and, while that is a sensible move, it has caused many people a lot of stress. Because this issue is affecting thousands and thousands of people across the country - and across the world -  right now, we’ve put together this guide to reducing stress when working from home.

Set your boundaries

In any case, it’s important to set your boundaries at work. But, now that you’re away from the office, it can be even more difficult to do so.

Set a schedule and stick to it to make sure that you’re not over working. Trying to stick to your usual working hours if they and being strict about your start and finish times can keep you in a good routine.  

Plus, if you’re being given too much work, you must speak up instead of working late into the evenings.

Look after your sleep

Looking after your sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health at any point. However, working at home can really disrupt it. 

You may be out of a good routine and things like not getting much exercise, working from bed (which you really, really should try not to do as it can wreak havoc with your sleep!), and napping during the day can have an adverse effect on your ability to sleep well at night.

Try your best to stay away from screens (e.g. your phone, television or computer) for at least one hour before you go to bed and, if you’re able to, setting up a designated space in your home for work, such an office room or simply a desk, can work wonders.

Having a successful sleep routine can really help your productivity throughout the day, so we highly recommend looking after your sleep.

Stay connected

If you’re missing social interaction, it can affect your mood and add to your stress levels, especially if socialising is a way for you to wind down. 

To combat this, do your best to stay connected with your loved ones. There are lots of different tools you can use like Zoom, Houseparty, and Whatsapp.

It can be a big change to go from working with your colleagues 5 days per week to not working with them at all. If you can schedule phone calls and video calls with your colleagues it can not only increase your productivity and performance at work, but also give you the social interaction you’re used to.

Focus on your work/life balance

Having a good work/life balance has always been important but, now more than ever, it’s monumental if you’re working from home.

If you can, try to keep to your usual working hours. However, some people find that they’re more productive earlier in the morning or later at night and, if your employer is OK with it, then that’s completely fine, but try not to overwork yourself in what should be your free time.

During your free time, make sure that your workspace is cleared, all of your work-related technology (e.g. phones and laptops) are switched off, and you’re not dwelling on the working day. 

While it may sound basic, setting aside a proper lunch break and using it to the full can be really beneficial, too. We hope this guide has given you some pointers on reducing your stress levels when working from home. To find out more about n-compass’ services or to read more blog posts, take a look around our website.