What We Do
We provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help adult and young carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing.
We work directly with individual carers to discuss their concerns and needs and design a tailored personalised support package.
Watch these short videos to hear more about our offer for adult and young carers.
Adult Carers
Young Carers
Support available includes:
- Support to access an assessment of your needs called a ‘Statutory Carers Assessment’. Staffordshire County Council can undertake the assessment and develop a support plan based on your needs
- A dedicated support worker
- 1-2-1 and group-based support
- Information advice and guidance on range of matters relevant to the caring role
- Support to access community resources, networks, and services
- Support to take breaks from caring, including befriending and peer support
- Support to develop emergency and contingency plans and support with future planning
- Training and skills development
- Newsletters four times per year detailing local groups, activities and training
- Online Carers Community Network for Carers to connect with other carers and talk about topics most important to them
- A 24/7 Volunteer manned Carers Help and Talk (CHAT) Line
- Volunteering opportunities as ‘Friends of Staffordshire Carers’, including volunteering for the CHAT Line
For Young Carers we can also:
- Help them and their families think about what would make a difference
- Help them communicate their wishes and feelings
- Help them access support in school and college
Contact Us
To find out how we can help and be contacted by a member of our team:
Fill out the online form and register here
Call us on 0300 303 0621
Statutory Carer Assessments
In Staffordshire, all Statutory Carers Assessments are carried out by Staffordshire County Council. The team at the Council will support carers to explore the whole range of support options available to help them sustain their caring role. To arrange a Carers Assessment please contact the Council by Telephone: 0300 111 8010 or by Email: firstcontactcarers@staffordshire.gov.uk
Who is a Carer?
A carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid care, for a few hours a day or round the clock, to a friend or relative who could not manage without their support. The care they give may be due to age, illness, disability, mental health problems, or substance misuse.
Carers’ lives are often complex - many have other commitments as well as their caring role, such as work or school, and sometimes they live with the person they care for or sometimes they call in to help. These situations can create challenges which may impact on carers’ financial or educational opportunities, as well as their own health and wellbeing.
Carers sometimes do not realise they are a ‘carer’ and feel they are simply being kind, by looking after a family member or friend. Carers provide huge benefits to the person they care for, as well as wider benefits to the health and social care system, by providing a free, essential support service.