Jean is 70 years old and is a full-time carer for her partner John who has Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. These conditions have impacted John’s mobility, spatial awareness, ability to reason and comprehend and perform practical tasks independently. Jean is unable to leave John on his own. Jean supports John with personal care, such as showering, dressing and getting around, and Jean has noticed the tasks have become progressively more difficult as John’s mobility has deteriorated. Jean finds that she has no time for herself and is starting to struggle with some aspects of the caring role. Jean also worries about what would happen to John if she became unwell and could not provide care, as she has no nearby family members to offer support in an emergency. An n-compass Carers Hub completed a statutory Carers Assessment and Peace of Mind for Carers plan. Jean was also referred to local services that could support her in managing John’s health conditions. John was also referred for a needs assessment, which resulted in him receiving funding for daycare provision. He is currently attending Age UK daytime support which has given Jean time for herself. Jean also received a Carers personal budget to enable her to look after herself; she now attends pamper days and visits to the hairdresser on the days that John attends daycare. Jean now has more time to reconnect with friends and engage in leisure activities. The Peace of Mind for Carers plan has reassured Jean that John would be cared for in the event of an emergency.