Pat is a 60 year old lady and primary carer for her father, who is 90 and has very poor mobility following an injury sustained when he fell. He lives alone but relies heavily on Pat for daily care and activities.

Carers provide huge benefits to the person they care for, as well as wider benefits to the NHS, Social Workers and society as a whole, by providing a free, essential support service. These situations can create challenges which may impact on Carers’ financial or educational opportunities, as well as their own health and wellbeing.

Pat was struggling with the demands of her caring role and juggling family life and was starting to think she wanted to take a step back. Pat met the n-compass carers team at a social prescribers event in her local town. She was unaware she could receive support as a carer and agreed to be referred to the service.

An n-compass Carers Support Officer called Pat a few days later, talked with her about her dad’s care needs, and provided information about a local day-care centre. The Carers Support Officer also suggested that Pat have a statutory carers assessment to see what other help might be available to support Pat. As a result, Pat was awarded a personal budget. She visited a Day Care Centre with her father, and he now attends one day a week. He has also had a care needs assessment and some aids provided in his home.