Paul cares for his wife who has a mental health diagnosis and age-related physical health issues. Paul, who is 72, contacted the Bury Carers’ Hub because certain aspects of his caring role was becoming too demanding and was beginning to impact on his own wellbeing.

Paul wanted some general information about what support he could access from Bury Carers’ Hub.  He also wanted a referral to Adult Social Care for a statutory Carers’ Assessment and information regarding domiciliary care agencies.

n-compass completed a Wellbeing Assessment and worked alongside Paul to co-produce a Support Plan. The Carers’ Support Worker made Paul aware of the activities and support he could access at the Hub and advised him how to access information through the n-compass online Carers’ Community Network. Paul now attends Bury Carers’ Hub Coffee and Chat on a weekly basis.

Following the completion of a Statutory Carers’ Assessment, Paul was awarded a Carer’s Personal Budget to help towards gardening costs. A needs assessment for his wife was completed and a package of care is now in place. Care Workers visit twice a day, allowing Paul more time for himself and reducing certain aspects of his caring role.