n-compass are launching Your Voice. If you are aged 11-21 (up to 25 for those with additional needs), have been supported by n-compass and want to shape the way we deliver our services, we want to hear from you!

n-compass are looking for young people aged 11-21 (up to 25 for those with additional needs) who have been supported by n-compass and want to shape the way we deliver our services. Our group meetings will take place on Zoom and in the future we will meet face to face alongside online activities.

n-compass Your Voice will give you the opportunity to:

  • Have your say on how we design and deliver our projects
  • Take part in national, regional and local campaigns that matter to young people
  • Learn and develop life skills including confidence and self-esteem, leadership, teamwork and speaking in public
  • Meet new people and do something different
  • Make your CV and application forms stand out

If you are interested, please enter your details in the contact form below and tell us why you want to get involved and what you can offer. You can write this or send us a VLOG or audio clip – whatever you prefer. We are really excited to hear from you.

For more info or if you have any questions please get in touch.

Follow us on Instagram at:@n-compassyouthvoice